Class Rotation

  • @Node
    public class Rotation
    extends Embedded
    Rotation of an can be represented either by 3 or 4 coordinates (euler angles, quaternions), the server will store and distribute it either way.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Rotation

        public Rotation​(double x,
                        double y,
                        double z)
      • Rotation

        public Rotation()
      • Rotation

        public Rotation​(double x,
                        double y,
                        double z,
                        Double angle)
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        public double getX()
      • getY

        public double getY()
      • getZ

        public double getZ()
      • getAngle

        public Double getAngle()
        Typically null, if not, rotation is quaternion
      • setX

        public void setX​(double x)
      • setY

        public void setY​(double y)
      • setZ

        public void setZ​(double z)
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle​(Double angle)
        Typically null, if not, rotation is quaternion
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Entity