Class World

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class World
    extends Entity
    VRObject container, contains isolated parts of space, like chat room. One default world is created on startup, others are typically created on demand, after Enter command is issued.
    • Constructor Detail

      • World

        public World​(String name,
                     boolean defaultWorld)
      • World

        public World()
      • World

        public World​(@NonNull
                     @NonNull String name)
    • Method Detail

      • enter

        public boolean enter​(Client c,
                             WorldManager wm)
        Called when client enters the world. It may change some client properties, allow entrance or not, etc. This implementation checks whether the world is private and owned, and compares the session token.
        c - Client that's asking to enter
        wm - WorldManager
        true if client is allowed to enter
      • exit

        public void exit​(Client c,
                         WorldManager wm)
        Called after client exits the world. After the owner (if any) exits the world, invalidates the token (if any).
        c - Client exiting the world
        wm - WorldManager
      • tokenName

        public String tokenName()
      • getName

        public @NonNull String getName()
      • isDefaultWorld

        public boolean isDefaultWorld()
      • isPublicWorld

        public boolean isPublicWorld()
      • isTemporaryWorld

        public boolean isTemporaryWorld()
      • getToken

        public String getToken()
      • getOwner

        public Client getOwner()
      • setName

        public void setName​(@NonNull
                            @NonNull String name)
      • setDefaultWorld

        public void setDefaultWorld​(boolean defaultWorld)
      • setPublicWorld

        public void setPublicWorld​(boolean publicWorld)
      • setTemporaryWorld

        public void setTemporaryWorld​(boolean temporaryWorld)
      • setToken

        public void setToken​(String token)
      • setOwner

        public void setOwner​(Client owner)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Entity